7/15: Oscar got the LION CUT

Sadly, the lady didn’t do a great job.  I will be taking him back tomorrow to be evened out as his fur is kind of all over the place length-wise.  Ossie is a good sport for sure!

First, please excuse the open closet as it is a mess.  Secondly, I am disappointed to see that he still has full fur on his limbs because I was under the impression that he would just have little tufts at his paws.

UPDATE: We are going back to get him evened out.  The groomer was very nice about it.

10/22: found out Oscar is a Maine Coon cat

Well, that explains why he is getting so big.  After a bit of research, I learned that these cats can grow to 20 plus pounds, have a distinctive meow, and generally like water.  Additionally, they also grow until age 4 or 5.  Since he is 1 and a half and checks in at 13.7 lbs, we probably have a ways to go.

In related news, Clara has a tabby pattern (apparently tabby is not a specific breed) and has the mark of the M on her forehead.  She also has thumbs, which I think are awesome.

DSCF5191Oscar at 10 months and 8 lbs.

DSCF5196Clara at 1 and a half and 7 lbs.