7/9: made an unwanted gym buddy

I was riding the bike today with my headphones in (you know I was watching trash- switching between THS: Rapper Wives and the Wendy Williams Show) when I was interrupted.  First, there are roughly 25 bikes, three of which were being used, so I don’t know why she needed to sit right next to me.  Second, I had headphones in.  Third, I can’t exercise and talk at the same time because I am getting into shape and am definitely not there yet. Fourth, I don’t want to talk there.

Highlights of our discussion:

Why the bikes are different sizes. (No idea.)

How can I be 32 and married and not have kids. (Don’t want them yet.)

Am I trying to lose weight. (Yes.  Why else would I be at the gym.)

Why- you are tall and thin.  (Fairly accurate but I feel very flabby.)

Are you sure you don’t want kids. (Not yet I said.)

How old are you. (32)

How tall are you. (5’9″)

How much do you weigh? (None of your business.)

Jeepers creepers.  How annoying even though she was just trying to be nice.  ALSO- She answered her cell phone while she was on the bike and had a 5 min conversation.  What???

Image from: http://www.imageenvision.com/150/26602-clip-art-graphic-of-a-gray-cell-phone-cartoon-character-walking-on-a-treadmill-in-a-fitness-gym-by-toons4biz.jpg